Feel the future with us. We started to virtualize the entire city of London in Ontario Canada, to bring all of its businesses to a virtual game. Within this game, you will be able to choose your avatar, buy & sell products, chat with people, and realize all of your dreams.
Terms of Metaverse
Metaverse iterations involve integration between virtual & physical spaces and virtual economies. This often includes a significant interest in advancing virtual reality technology and Virtual Augmented Reality
Goals and Ideas
With some expertise establishing digital services, the metaverse is a specimen project which we design as a massive digital platform. People are given an online identity, which allows them to access a wider range of digital services with greater ease. This online avatar is no longer merely a collection of data for registration, but a new identity that functions similarly to your real one. You can create your own online persona and even engage in some role-playing. The metaverse is a platform that enables interactions between avatars and identities. It is not a fictitious digital world, but just another location with man-made rules that functions in the same way as our civilization.
About our project
We started to virtualize the entire city of London in Ontario Canada, to bring all of its businesses to a virtual game. Within this game, you will be able to choose your avatar, buy & sell products, chat with people, and realize all of your dreams.

Imagine we have a website in which all the parts are inside of a game, and you can show your products on a virtual gallery show. In addition, there is a newspaper on the table, and when you take a look, you will see more details about the company or the blog page. There is a showroom where you can see items in 3D, or encounter some staff as characters who answer your questions.
Today, we have very limited alphabets and characters to combine into passwords. In 2022, hackers can break most hash codes based on the Rainbow table, and in the further future by improving hardware, the passwords will not be safer. Now, imagine you are in a 3D world, there are infinite points in your spaces, and they make many patterns that are unique for you and always remember it. The pattern would be your password to access sensitive info such as your bank account.
Online shopping:
You can make your virtual store in the metaverse. If you want to buy a dress, imagine you go to the store in order to try the dress in front of a mirror. Then, you will buy the design of the dress, and with your 3D printer, you can have it. Other useful examples could include renting an apartment or a house.